Chasing Windows Phone 7
Windows Phone 7,
Windows Phone 7 release in Sweden

I went to the largest mall in town today. I vent to four different stores to check about availability tomorrow. I talked to Telenor, Telia, The Phone House and Tre. When inquiring weather they will start selling Windows Phone 7 devices on the 21:st the personnel looked puzzled. None of them seemed to have a clue about Windows Phone 7. In three places they asked: "What model are you referring to?". To which I replied:- "I don't care, ANY ONE of the four being released!". All three looked at their screens for a second and emediately replied -"No, sorry"...
How lousy is this?
Tre is even the preffered launch partner and they even have dibbs on the Samsung model being sold, no other of the companies will even be allowed to sell that. (Yeah I know, I should have replied "Any of the three being released" in two cases above, but I was starting to get annoyed)
We've all read the fantasy figures Microsoft was supposed to use to promote Windows Phone 7, guess very little of those found their way to Sweden...
Hopes and dreams shattered I was moping about, but a friend pointed out to me that Dialect actually had WP7 commercials on their web page. And after checking it out they have even listed the models with price and all. Check it out if you like at So for tomorrow my hope probably stands and falls with Dialect, wish me luck tomorrow.
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